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Japanese Woodblock Prints. 40th Ed.

  • 9783836587532

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The Japanese woodblock print showcased breathtaking landscapes, blush-inducing erotica, ghosts and demons that torment the living, and made sumo wrestlers and kabuki actors into rock stars. This condensed edition reveals the most exceptional prints from 1680–1938, drawing from the finest impressions of museums and private collections worldwide.

From Edouard Manet’s portrait of naturalist writer Émile Zola sitting among his Japanese art finds to Van Gogh’s meticulous copies of the Hiroshige prints he devotedly collected, 19th-century pioneers of European modernism made no secret of their love of Japanese art. In all its sensuality, freedom, and effervescence, the woodblock print is single-handedly credited with the wave of japonaiserie that first enthralled France and, later, all of Europe—but often remains misunderstood as an “exotic” artifact that helped inspire Western creativity.

The fact is that the Japanese woodblock print is a phenomenon of which there exists no Western equivalent. Some of the most disruptive ideas in modern art—including, as Karl Marx put it, that “all that is solid melts into air”—were invented in Japan in the 1700s and expressed like never before in the designs of such masters as Hokusai, Utamaro, and Hiroshige in the early 19th century.

Property Value
Author Andreas Marks
Cover Hardcover
Dimension 16.26 x 4.06 x 22.35 cm
Language EN
Page 512
2 Taksit3 Taksit6 Taksit9 Taksit12 Taksit
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463,23 x 2Toplam : 926,46 TL314,89 x 3Toplam : 944,67 TL167,91 x 6Toplam : 1,007,46 TL119,90 x 9Toplam : 1,079,10 TL96,69 x 12Toplam : 1,160,28 TL
463,23 x 2Toplam : 926,46 TL314,89 x 3Toplam : 944,67 TL167,91 x 6Toplam : 1,007,46 TL119,90 x 9Toplam : 1,079,10 TL96,69 x 12Toplam : 1,160,28 TL
463,23 x 2Toplam : 926,46 TL314,89 x 3Toplam : 944,67 TL167,91 x 6Toplam : 1,007,46 TL119,90 x 9Toplam : 1,079,10 TL96,69 x 12Toplam : 1,160,28 TL
463,23 x 2Toplam : 926,46 TL314,89 x 3Toplam : 944,67 TL167,91 x 6Toplam : 1,007,46 TL119,90 x 9Toplam : 1,079,10 TL96,69 x 12Toplam : 1,160,28 TL
463,23 x 2Toplam : 926,46 TL314,89 x 3Toplam : 944,67 TL167,91 x 6Toplam : 1,007,46 TL119,90 x 9Toplam : 1,079,10 TL96,69 x 12Toplam : 1,160,28 TL
463,23 x 2Toplam : 926,46 TL314,89 x 3Toplam : 944,67 TL167,91 x 6Toplam : 1,007,46 TL119,90 x 9Toplam : 1,079,10 TL96,69 x 12Toplam : 1,160,28 TL
463,23 x 2Toplam : 926,46 TL314,89 x 3Toplam : 944,67 TL167,91 x 6Toplam : 1,007,46 TL119,90 x 9Toplam : 1,079,10 TL96,69 x 12Toplam : 1,160,28 TL

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